Accountability & Audit

Yours and our responsibilities when we provide a grant.
Accountability Documentation Required
Unauthorised Purposes
Grant Accountability
All grant funds distributed by Four Winds Foundation are checked to ensure the funds have been used for the purpose for which they were granted.

Accountability Documentation Required

Each organisation must supply:
  • a copy of the bank statement showing receipt of the grant funds from Four Winds Foundation
  • a copy of the invoice(s) for all goods/services purchased.  This must match the quote provided with the grant application.
These invoices should:
  • Include your organisation name
  • Be printed on supplier letterhead
  • Show details of goods/services purchased
  • Include GST number if applicable
  • a copy of the bank statement showing payment of these invoices.
  • If your organisation is GST registered, the amount included in the accountability documentation must be GST exclusive.
  • If your organisation is not GST registered, the amount included in the accountability documentation is the GST inclusive amount.
Wage/Salary payments
  • a copy of the bank statements showing payment of wages/salary.  If these are part of a batch please supply the batch detail showing payment to the wage/salary recipient.
  • a copy of the monthly / fortnightly schedule submitted to IRD showing deductions made and a bank statement showing payment of these deductions to IRD.
  • A copy of the payslip or wage records detailing net pay.
  • In the event that an employee leaves the organisation during the period being funded, an application must be made in writing to substitute a replacement employee.  Any such application must include the new employee’s contract.
Grant funds cannot cover costs which have been paid for before the application was approved. This includes deposits made to secure a good or service and paid for before the Grant approval date.


A refund will be required in the following circumstances:

  • where funds have been obtained from another Society for the same purpose
  • any spend on unauthorised purposes (i.e. expenditure not approved in the original application)
  • where there are unspent funds (i.e. where the amount spent is less than the amount granted)
  • any spend which is deemed retrospective (i.e. payment made prior to Board approval date)


  • Accountability documentation is required within 90 days of the application being approved.  Extensions may be given on a case by case basis.  Any application for extension must be made in writing.
  • Grant funding must not be used for items that were not included in the approval letter.  Any deviations or requests for reallocation of funding or change of supplier of goods/services must be made to the Foundation in writing prior to the expenditure being incurred.

Unauthorised Purposes

  • The following are examples of items which are considered unauthorised purposes in relation to grant funding - 
  • The purchase or subsidy of alcohol, food, entertainment or refreshments 
  • Grants to non-affiliated “social” sports or social clubs
  • Cash prizes and prizes for sporting events
  • Dress uniforms
  • Events or trips which are predominantly social in nature
  • All grants must be utilised for purposes within New Zealand for New Zealand goods and services.  Funds will be made available for travel overseas to the first point of arrival and return to New Zealand.  No other costs will be provided for.
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Unauthorised Purposes
Grant Accountability
All grant funds distributed by Four Winds Foundation are checked to ensure the funds have been used for the purpose for which they were granted.

Accountability Documentation Required

Each organisation must supply:
  • a copy of the bank statement showing receipt of the grant funds from Four Winds Foundation
  • a copy of the invoice(s) for all goods/services purchased.  This must match the quote provided with the grant application.
These invoices should:
  • Include your organisation name
  • Be printed on supplier letterhead
  • Show details of goods/services purchased
  • Include GST number if applicable
  • a copy of the bank statement showing payment of these invoices.
  • If your organisation is GST registered, the amount included in the accountability documentation must be GST exclusive.
  • If your organisation is not GST registered, the amount included in the accountability documentation is the GST inclusive amount.
Wage/Salary payments
  • a copy of the bank statements showing payment of wages/salary.  If these are part of a batch please supply the batch detail showing payment to the wage/salary recipient.
  • a copy of the monthly / fortnightly schedule submitted to IRD showing deductions made and a bank statement showing payment of these deductions to IRD.
  • A copy of the payslip or wage records detailing net pay.
  • In the event that an employee leaves the organisation during the period being funded, an application must be made in writing to substitute a replacement employee.  Any such application must include the new employee’s contract.
Grant funds cannot cover costs which have been paid for before the application was approved. This includes deposits made to secure a good or service and paid for before the Grant approval date.
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Grants Application

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Contact Us
Grant enquiries: (09) 631 5262
Freephone: 0800 433544
Physical Address
1 Kimberley Road, Epsom
Postal Address
PO Box 74104, Greenlane, Auckland 1546
© 2025 Four Winds Foundation Ltd, Inc. All rights reserved.